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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
Décidement la saison des livres…
Adam Hyde, fondateur de FlossManuals (free manuals for free software) nous a fait parvenir leur dernier communiqué de presse signalant la sortie d’un guide complet sur CiviCRM.
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas CiviCRM, c’est un logiciel sous licence libre, fonctionnant avec les plateformes Joomla ou Drupal, largement internationalisé. Il a été développé avec en particulier à l’esprit d’aider les organisations non lucratives à gérer leurs relations avec leurs membres, leurs donateurs et plus généralement toute personne facilitant leur mission.
La Wikimedia Foundation (hébergeur de Wikipedia) utilise CiviCRM pour gérer les milliers de donateurs de fonds permettant à Wikipedia de fonctionner au jour le jour. L’association Wikimedia France, déjà utilisatrice de Drupal pour son site web a commencé à mettre en place CiviCRM pour la gestion de ses donateurs (6000 personnes lors de la levée de fond 2009-2010). Mon activité principale au sein de l’association Wikimedia France (en dehors de mon rôle de membre du conseil d’administration) consiste précisément à développer notre capacité à collecter des fonds afin de soutenir les projets Wikimedia. Pour avoir déjà passé un BON NOMBRE d’heures à essayer de faire fonctionner (et surtout de customizer) ce logiciel, je me réjouis de la publication de cet ouvrage.
Merci aussi à l’Open Society (Soros Foundation) pour avoir aidé à la publication de ce guide. Il peut être imprimé grâce à ( ou bien tout simplement téléchargé gratuitement sur le site de FlossManual (
31 May 2010
‘CiviCRM: a comprehensive guide’, written for end-users, administrators and developers, was launched today. CiviCRM is open source constituent relationship management software designed for non-profit, political and advocacy organizations.
The book was released before the scheduled release of version 3.2 of CiviCRM. This is quite unprecedented in the open source world, which is often criticized for its lack of documentation. The book offers complete coverage of CiviCRM functionality. It was written during an intensive four day ‘book sprint’, with the best and brightest from the CiviCRM community. Editorial assistance, Book Sprint Facilitation and infrastructure was provided by FLOSS Manuals. The final product is a comprehensive book available for viewing online, as an eBook or in hard copy.
Adam Hyde, founder of FLOSS Manuals stressed, » »It’s quite unprecedented for an open source project to publish complete documentation before the release of a new version of the software. This shows that the book sprint model is a sustainable way to produce timely and up to date documentation for an open source project. » He continued, « A diverse group of people from the CiviCRM community participated in facilitated discussions and writing. At the end of the sprint, out popped a book ». »
Dave Greenberg, project manager at CiviCRM said, » »the project places a high value on complete and useful documentation. It’s crucial in increasing the uptake of the software ». »
Dave Greenberg,, + 1 415 8464717
Adam Hyde,, + 49 177 4935122
Book Sprints are an innovative format based on Code Sprints but with the focus on producing documentation instead of code. A sprint brings together a group of writers, editors, and perhaps an artist and production specialist, to go from outline to published book in five days.
CiviCRM is an open source CRM designed for non profit, political and advocacy organisations. v3.2 is it’s 15th major release in 5 years.
‘CiviCRM: a comprenshive guide’ builds on the previous book ‘Understanding CiviCRM: a guide for non profits’ also written in 2009 during a similar book sprint. It is the largest book hosted at FLOSS Manuals.
Both CiviCRM book sprints were funded by grants from Open Society Institute. The proceeds of the book will go to Social Source Foundation, the non-profit organization that funds CiviCRM.