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Je suis occasionnellement impliquée dans des programmes de recherche.

Ainsi, par exemple, de 2015 à 2017, je fus collaboratrice scientifique à SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland dans le cadre du programme de recherche Wikipedia Primary School SSAJRP programme. Article publié à la suite de ces travaux : APA : Ford, H., Pensa, I., Devouard, F., Pucciarelli, M., & Botturi, L. (2018, March 27). Beyond notification: Filling gaps in peer production projects.

En 2018-2020, j’étais collaboratrice scientifique dans le cadre de l’étude Wiki Loves Africa Recruitment 2020 conduite par les chercheurs de la structure Civil Servant et un chercheur de l’Université Princeton (USA). Cette étude fut conduite dans le cadre de Wiki Loves Africa 2020.

Pour en savoir plus

Wikipedia Primary School Logo

Wikipedia Primary School​​​

From 2015 till 2017, I was a scientific collaborator at SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland in the joint research project Wikipedia Primary School SSAJRP programme.


Research article : Ford, H., Pensa, I., Devouard, F., Pucciarelli, M., & Botturi, L. (2018, March 27). Beyond notification: Filling gaps in peer production projects.


Iolanda Pensa (principal investigator), Marta Pucciarelli, Florence Devouard, Erica Litrenta, Tobias Schonwetter, Isla Haddow-Flood, Theresa Hume, Douglas Ian Scott.


WPS is a project providing on Wikipedia the information necessary to complete the cycle of primary education in the languages used by the different education systems. It allows students, families and teachers to find on Wikipedia the documentation necessary to obtain the primary school qualification in their country.

Florence Devouard at the pre-workshop meeting for Wikipedia Primary School that took place in Cape Town, November 2016. cc by sa 4.0 Isla Haddow

The project aims at:

  1. Bridging Wikipedia and primary education. This objective implies to move the Wikipedia community towards a focus on primary education, and at the same time to strengthen the capacity of the education ecosystem to contribute to Wikipedia, and in general to open collaborative knowledge.
  2. Enriching Wikipedia with new content relevant to primary education. This objective implies an assessment of the articles produced.
  3. Fostering the development of translations and new content in different Wikipedia linguistic editions. This objective implies the release of existing educational resources (OER in cc by or cc by-sa), the production of datasets and the involvement of the Wikimedia movement.
  4. Verifying and evaluating the use of Wikipedia as a source of information for primary education. This objective implies the involvement of stakeholders and data analysis.

Wikipedia Primary School contributes to universal primary education and to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG2: Achieve Universal Primary Education). Even if it is scalable and international, the project is conceived primarily to address African countries and languages.

Wikipedia Primary School SSAJRP programme

This joint research project, developed within a Swiss and South African collaboration, specifically focuses on the theoretical frame of the project Wikipedia Primary School and in developing and evaluating a system to assess Wikipedia articles for primary education and to involve a wide network of scholars and contributors in their production. The project is an applied research involving a team lead by SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland and the University of Cape Town, and benefitting from the partnership with Wikimedia Switzerland, and the Africa Centre based in Cape Town.

The research moves from the current state of research in the field, and it contributes to fill the existing gap between Wikipedia and primary education. More specifically, thanks to the Swiss and South African collaboration the research project developed within the frame of the SSAJRP satisfies the need for:

  1. Producing the necessary frame to address and involve users (the Wikipedia community, partners, volunteers, scholars and experts in the field of education).
  2. Defining and selecting relevant articles which respond to curriculum-based questions.
  3. Facilitating the production of high quality and assessed articles on Wikipedia linked to primary education.
First evaluation of the project Wikipedia Primary School. More specifically the evaluation focuses on a series of articles related to the South African curriculum and selected for Wikipedia Primary School SSAJRP programme. cc by sa 4.0. Giovanni Profeta

The Swiss and South African joint research, implemented within the frame of the SSAJRP, focuses on the Wikipedia Primary School scalability and in developing the necessary network and tools to establish, promote and evaluate the project. Milestones :


Iolanda Pensa (principal investigator), Marta Pucciarelli, Florence Devouard, Erica Litrenta, Tobias Schonwetter, Isla Haddow-Flood, Theresa Hume, Douglas Ian Scott.

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